You want to make a difference, to make things better. You have an idea for a new service, product, process, or business. Or maybe you just want to change the way things are done; you want to change the system.
You may not know exactly what it is, but you know intuitively that there’s a better way of doing things, a better way to help people driven by your belief in a better future.
Here’s your challenge: are you solving the right problem? Have you addressed root causes or are you only looking at superficial issues? Have you considered hidden connections to prevent unintended repercussions?
And once you answer these questions, how do you ensure that the change you intend is the change you make? What do people who will make the change happen, and people who will benefit from it, need before, during, and after?
This is what we do. We get the answers to all these questions and we ensure your idea becomes real. We help our clients create positive change in an unpredictable world.
Check out some of our clients!!

Our Clients

Learn about what you can expect when we work together!

The design process is the most effective and efficient means of getting organisations and individuals to new places.

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If you look online, there are a number of different versions of what this process looks like, the number of steps involved, different names for phases, tools, and types. We know them all and have accreditations to prove it.
But what’s important to know is that we take you and your team through a focused, collaborative, and engaging process that (1) ensures we address the right problems; and (2) solves them the right way to ensure the right outcome.
While the tools and specific process we use are determined by the project at hand, there are 4 fundamental pillars universal to how we work:
If you look online, there are a number of different versions of what this process looks like, the number of steps involved, different names for phases, tools, and types. We know them all and have accreditations to prove it.
But what’s important to know is that we take you and your team through a focused, collaborative, and engaging process that (1) ensures we address the right problems; and (2) solves them the right way to ensure the right outcome.
While the tools and specific process we use are determined by the project at hand, there are 4 fundamental pillars universal to how we work:

Thinking Visually

We translate complicated ideas into clear visuals facilitating rapid understanding and effective communication.

Collaborative Creation

We enrich customer insights & develop effective solutions by using diverse perspectives from across your organisation.

Holistic Approach

We consider all interconnected elements within a problem space and their relationships within a broader context.

Learning By Doing

We don't make reports, we make things throughout the process to challenge assumptions and test ideas with real people.

Our Work

City of Kelowna

Using AI to tackle the housing crisis

Aligning AI chatbot capabilities with typical homeowner journeys to speed up the permit process.
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Rutland Community clinic

Reimagining a community health clinic

Co-creating a patient-centred experience with the communities it serves.
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city of salmon arm

Defining the value of municipal services

Understanding a service's value enables a municipality to meet residents' needs, ensuring satisfaction and positive community relations.
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thought leadership

The Five Dimensions of Customer Experience

Creating a framework to evaluate and create successful interventions to improve your customer experience.
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Contact Us

We're always looking for great partners who want to make things better. If you have something specific in mind or just want to learn more about what we do, we'd love to hear from you!

We acknowledge that we reside and operate on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Sqilx’w/Syilx (Okanagan) peoples. We are grateful to all Indigenous communities for their stewardship of this land and for sharing it with us.